Wide Range of Products
In our offer, you will find dispensers, bottles, jars, foaming pumps, droppers, and airless packaging.

We provide our products in various shapes, capacities, and colors, allowing for customization to meet individual customer needs.

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Wide Range of Products

Revolutionary technology that extends the shelf life and maximizes the use of cosmetics. Protection of active ingredients, precise dosing, hygiene, and efficiency.

Application: Nutrition industry Nutrition industry Cosmetics industry Cosmetics industry
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<span>Airless</span> Dispensers

Cream containers are used for storing and dispensing creams and other thick cosmetics.

Application: Cosmetics industry Cosmetics industry
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Foaming pumps are dispensers that transform liquid cosmetics into a light foam, making application easier and reducing single-use product consumption. They are particularly useful for gels, soaps, and other personal hygiene cosmetics.

Application: Cosmetics industry Cosmetics industry
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<span>Foaming</span> Dispensers

Droppers are tools used for the precise dosing of liquids, consisting of components that enable accurate collection and application of the liquid. They ensure controlled dispensing of drops and hygienic use of products.

Application: Cosmetics industry Cosmetics industry
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